Adyatma I. Santosa, Dyana R. Ningrum, Siska N.S. Yuliandini, Alifia N. Ayusma, Muh A. Nasir, Aprilia S. Subiastuti


Virus infection in four edible Allium spp.: Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum), onion (Allium cepa), fresh chive (Allium schoenoprasum), and garlic chive (Allium tuberosum) cultivated in Indonesia had never been studied. Samples were obtained during field surveys in June – October 2023 at different production centers in Java Island, Indonesia, and then molecularly tested using a universal primer pair to amplify ± 700 bp of the 3′-end region of potyviruses. Six Welsh onion and four fresh chive samples were tested positive for Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV). Phylogenetic tree clustered the sequenced four Indonesian Welsh onion isolates (GenBank acc. no. OR772075 – 78) in a group together with other Welsh onion isolates from South Korea and Japan. Meanwhile, the four fresh chive isolates (OR772079 – 82) that were obtained were positioned in a separate group together with predominantly onion isolates from Europe and America. No significant recombination signal was detected on the compared isolates using Recombination Detection Program v5.30. Percentage identity analysis further determined the divergence of Welsh onion isolates to isolates from other hosts.


molecular detection, Allium, phylogenetic study, recombination analysis, Onion yellow dwarf virus

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