Diaz M. Shaffila, Siwi Indarti, Witjaksono Witjaksono, Nugroho S. Putra


Applying cow dung and solarizing the soil are two methods that may be used to improve soil fertility and inhibit soil-borne diseases. The purpose of this study was to ascertain how cow manure application and soil solarization affected the density of nematodes in shallot. An investigation was conducted using a single-factor Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in Gotakan Village, Panjatan District, Kulon Progo Regency, and Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. The interventions included three types of treatment with five replications each: (1) solarization + cow manure, (2) cow manure, and (3) control. Three phases of nematode abundance observations were made: prior to application, following application, and right after harvest. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used for evaluating the data in regard to nematode feeding behavior and their abundance. Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which was developed on nematode feeding behavior, was used to examine the data. The results of the main component analysis at each observation stage based on the feeding behavior have an eigenvalue > 1 and a cumulative diversity value of 100%, which is divided into 2 main components: PC1 and PC2. The abundance of each feeding behaviors nematodes were able to be decreased by combination of soil solarization and cow dung application, especially plant parasitic nematodes and non-plant parasitic nematodes such as, fungal feeder, bacterial feeder, predatory nematodes, and omnivores was not significantly reduced. The application of cow dung enhanced the number of fungal feeder and bacterial feeder. The results of this investigation should give more insight into how cow manure treatment and soil solarization combine to impact the nematode abundance in shallot. This research is important for future agricultural and soil management implications and could be a potential combined treatment for controlling plant parasitic nematodes.


Cow manure, feeding behavior, nematode abundance, soil solarization

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33866/phytopathol.036.01.1062


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