Saipul Abbas, Sri Sulandari, Sedyo Hartono, Jumardin Jumardin, Akhmad Rizali, Ernawati Djaya, Erwin Najamuddin, Ayyub Ar Rahman, Aminah Aminah, Hasbi Hasbi, Surianto Sipi


Nilaparvata lugens, commonly known as the brown planthopper (BPH), transmits the Rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV) which severely affects rice plants. This study aimed to evaluate the resistance of six rice varieties to RRSV in South Sulawesi under greenhouse conditions. The stages of the study included the preparation of the inoculum source, seeding of rice seeds, rearing of BPH, transmission treatment, and observation of resistance response and symptom scoring based on IRRI (1996) in a greenhouse. Data analysis techniques using Duncan's 5% were also applied. The results showed that varieties Inpari 36, 37, TN1, Mekongga, Ciherang, and Tukad Unda exhibited differing resistance levels, with Tukad Unda showing the highest resistance. The disease incidence ranged from 63.33% to 100%, and disease intensity varied from 28.14% to 71.10%. These findings suggest that the selection of resistant varieties could significantly mitigate RRSV impact, highlighting the need for integrated pest management strategies in rice cultivation.


Disease intensity, Plant resistance, Rice varieties, Rice ragged stunt virus, South Sulawesi

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