Ayesha Bibi, Najam U.S Afshan, Fouzia Yaqoub


Biological control of fungi is a potential alternative to the use of chemical pesticides, which have been proved to be harmful to the environment. Pathogenic fungi were isolated and identified from wheat on PDA medium. Trichoderma harzianum have been isolated from soil and found to be effective biocontrol agent against various wheat-borne pathogenic fungi. Trichoderma harzianum inhibited the growth of wheat-borne fungi like Aspergillus, Alternaria triticina, Fusraium solani, Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizactonia solani, Sclerotium rolfsii and Bipolaris in dual culture plate assay.


Biological control, Wheat-borne pathogens and Trichoderma harzianum

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