Hayder A. Ali, Abdulzahra J. Ali, Adnan A. Lahuf, Duraid K.A. Al-Taey


In the growth season of 2018-2019, plum trees in many orchards in the Al-Hussainiya district of Karbala Province, Iraq, regularly exhibited severe symptoms of leaf spot. The prevalence of the disease was estimated to be 15%. The causal factor responsible for this disease has been determined as Alternaria alternata based on its morphological and molecular characteristics. The pathogenicity of the isolated A. alternata was assessed using Koch's postulates, which confirmed its pathogenic nature. Therefore, it was once again isolated from the affected symptomatic leaves. The results outline the scientific methodology used to identify the causal agent responsible for the Alternaria leaf spot disease on plum trees. This is the first report of A. alternata causing leaf spot on plum trees in Karbala province, Iraq.


Leaf spot, Alternaria alternata, rDNA-ITS and TEF-1α sequencing, Plum tree

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